Should You Conceal Blemishes Before Glamour Photography?

Most women who book in for a nude glamour photography session do it so they can have an image of themselves they can feel proud of.

Whether or not they use the photos professionally, show it to friends or family, hang them up in their home, or merely keep them for personal gratification, they will, no doubt, want to look their best.

That is why lots of models choose to conceal or disguise their blemishes before a big shoot.

This may mean wearing underwear over things they are conscious of, such as stretch marks, their C-section, or breast implant scars.

Alternatively, there is plenty of skin-coloured make-up available these days that helps to hide these blemishes, so they can barely be seen.

All the ladies posing for the camera will be wearing lots of glamorous make-up to highlight their facial features and hide any blocked pores, dark circles, and spots, so why should marks on their body be any different?

Having said that, there is a growing movement for women to embrace their ‘imperfections’.

More and more social media influencers, celebrities and even models are showing the public their cellulite, ‘tiger stripes’, and double chins to boost body positivity and limit unrealistic images in the media.

So, it is not unusual for glamour models to ask photographers to keep their stretch marks, freckles, or moles in the images these days, as they are characteristics that make up their body, and they are proud of them.

At the same time, it is ok to ask photographers to filter out anything you feel uncomfortable with, as photoshoots use lights, make-up and camera angles to make you look your best anyway.


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